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Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Do THIS To Bring Your Goals To Life Faster!
"It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan."
- Eleanor Roosevelt, first lady
How much time do you spend wishing that things in your life were different?
That you could do more?
That you could have more?
That you could be more?
It's so easy to think that these things are outside of our grasp and that success will always elude us, but history tells a very different story.
It tells us that people who have taken their dreams and put them on paper in the form of a plan have increased their likelihood of attaining them by anything from 500 - 5000%!
How would you like that kind of return on the investment of YOUR dreams?
Then write them down and bring them into the world. You see, as long as they remain in your head, it is, to the world at least, as if they don't exist.
Writing them down is the first step on the road to making a dream into a reality... So do it now!
Truth, Joy and Love
Dax Moy
You don't have to believe that writing your goals down brings them any closer to you. Just suspend disbelief and see what happens!
- Eleanor Roosevelt, first lady
How much time do you spend wishing that things in your life were different?
That you could do more?
That you could have more?
That you could be more?
It's so easy to think that these things are outside of our grasp and that success will always elude us, but history tells a very different story.
It tells us that people who have taken their dreams and put them on paper in the form of a plan have increased their likelihood of attaining them by anything from 500 - 5000%!
How would you like that kind of return on the investment of YOUR dreams?
Then write them down and bring them into the world. You see, as long as they remain in your head, it is, to the world at least, as if they don't exist.
Writing them down is the first step on the road to making a dream into a reality... So do it now!
Truth, Joy and Love
Dax Moy
You don't have to believe that writing your goals down brings them any closer to you. Just suspend disbelief and see what happens!
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Dax Moy Attacked By Snake In Thailand

Ok, maybe not the complete truth...
But it made you look, right? : )
The truth is that poor old 'snakey' was road kill and I thought it would make a good photo opp (Hey, I never said that I was one of those goals people that spends every day in a suit at convention centers did I?)
But there is a reason I wanted to use that pic today and get you to this page.
It's to remind you to put a bit of adventure into your life whenever you can.
Seek out new and unusual experiences.
Try new things.
Add colour to your life in as many weird and wonderful ways that you can WHEN you can.
You see, a great life is one full of stories and those stories come from your experiences, from your adventures.
After all, there's not much of a life story to tell when you say "Woke up at 7, showered, had breakfast, went to work, came home, watched TV , went to bed" is there?
Far more of a story when you say "Yep, I'm the idiot in the picture with a snake in his mouth" or
"Yep that's me by the Pyramids in Egypt"
Or "Yep, that's with the giant Buddha in Thailand"
Yep, life's about your stories.
So go get some!
Pick one new thing to experience this week.
A theatre show, a dance lesson, a parachute jump, a bungee jump, go camping.
You can do ANYTHING you want but just do something you wouldn't normally do.
Get a new story this week and come back here and share it.
Truth, joy and love
Dax Moy
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Ready For this 7 Day Media Fast?
Hey Guys
I've been having a hard time getting online as the internet connection here at the villa in Thailand is pretty strange at times. In fact, I've been kept offline all day today...
Anyway, I'm here now and that's the main thing, right?
Today's message is a pretty simple one.
It's about turning back time and hitting the reset switch on your life for a while.
You see, whilst I've been running my mastermind retreat over here, I've been thinking a lot about how so many of our problems are made by ourselves and our reactions to the world around us. It's almost as if we bulid our realities based upon what others tell us is going on.
Swine flu? Ow, be careful!
Recession? Better tighten the purse strings!
You get my drift.
It's almost like we have to play a part in a big game that we never even decided to join, right?
Well, what if you just dropped out for a while? Just a little bit?
What if you didn't read any newspapers, watch any news or listen to any radio for a week?
What effect do you think that would have?
Better still, what if during that same week you only read books that were related to your childhood like Matilda, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, The Witches or anything else that sprang to mind? (Yes, I love Roald Dahl - I read thses stores to my son Connor every night)
Do you think that after just 7 days you'd feel different about the world?
I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt on my part that you would. I know because I do : )
Becoming a kid again is pretty cool.
It allows you to shake off the heaviness of being an adult and return to the life of imagination and wonder that you used to believe in so much when you were young.
You should try it for yourself.
Go on, I dare ya!
Give this 7 day return to childhood a go and report how it makes you feel. It certainly can't hurt, right? : )
Truth, joy and love

P.S - Post what books you're going to start with... I'd love to know : )
I've been having a hard time getting online as the internet connection here at the villa in Thailand is pretty strange at times. In fact, I've been kept offline all day today...
Anyway, I'm here now and that's the main thing, right?
Today's message is a pretty simple one.
It's about turning back time and hitting the reset switch on your life for a while.
You see, whilst I've been running my mastermind retreat over here, I've been thinking a lot about how so many of our problems are made by ourselves and our reactions to the world around us. It's almost as if we bulid our realities based upon what others tell us is going on.
Swine flu? Ow, be careful!
Recession? Better tighten the purse strings!
You get my drift.
It's almost like we have to play a part in a big game that we never even decided to join, right?
Well, what if you just dropped out for a while? Just a little bit?
What if you didn't read any newspapers, watch any news or listen to any radio for a week?
What effect do you think that would have?
Better still, what if during that same week you only read books that were related to your childhood like Matilda, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, The Witches or anything else that sprang to mind? (Yes, I love Roald Dahl - I read thses stores to my son Connor every night)
Do you think that after just 7 days you'd feel different about the world?
I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt on my part that you would. I know because I do : )
Becoming a kid again is pretty cool.
It allows you to shake off the heaviness of being an adult and return to the life of imagination and wonder that you used to believe in so much when you were young.
You should try it for yourself.
Go on, I dare ya!
Give this 7 day return to childhood a go and report how it makes you feel. It certainly can't hurt, right? : )
Truth, joy and love

P.S - Post what books you're going to start with... I'd love to know : )
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Slumdog Secrets To Goal Achievement

During last night’s flight to Bangkok I watched the movie everyone’s been talking about recently…
Slumdog Millionaire.
You may have heard about it? : )
Now, I’m not big on reviews for movies. I always teach my family not to make their decisions in life about ANYTHING based on whether others or not like, dislike the movies, books or trips that they want to take.
I always tell them to experience it for themselves and make up their own minds.
Good advice, yes?
Well, I’ve gotta tell you, I can see why everyone was raving about Slumdog. It’s a seriously excellent film… if you watch it for more than entertainment, that is.
Don’t get me wrong, as entertainment it’s still a great movie, but the real value comes from the lesson that the main character teaches throughout the movie.
It’s invaluable in fact.
In case you haven’t seen it, Jamal, the lead character is an orphaned slum kid who grew up on the streets with his brother and did what he needed to do to survive, including thievery and conning the unsuspecting tourist and the like.
The film shows him winning the unlikely 20,000,000 rupees on the show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and includes scenes of torture at the hands of the police when they suspect him of winning the sum as part of some great scam.
It seems to them that this uneducated ‘slumdog’ couldn’t possibly know the answers to the show’s toughest questions so he must be cheating yet, as they replay question after question on video he tells the tale of how he came to know the answers to each one.
He learned them through the experience s of actual events that happened to him as he was growing up.
Each event he experienced created an association to some snippet of trivia that the most educated would struggle to remember, yet that this young ghetto boy knew off by heart because he had actually lived the answers.
THERE’S the secret to gaining true knowledge and that’s what I wanted to share today. Read all the books you want. I encourage it fully. It’s important that you do. But nothing, NOTHING in your life becomes true education, true learning without actually experiencing it for yourself.
Until you translate what you see or hear into action of your own, it’s all just information, just data. A series of random numbers and letters on paper. It’s of no real value.
Act on it though and, wow! Everything changes!
Learn one new thing today then bring it to life by acting on it and see for yourself why they say ‘knowledge is power’.
Truth, joy and love
Dax Moy
P.S – You are what you DO!
It doesn't matter how many books you read, youtube videos you watch or even, dare I say it, at some point you have to DO stuff.
Stop watching from the sidelines when you could be playing the game yourself!
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Will You Be Alright?
Where you gonna be in ten years time?
Will you be happy with the way you've
been living your life?
Will you be alright?
And when you're looking back to now all the years gone by Will there be something that you say That you should have done right in your life?
--Lyrics From 'Ten Years Time' by Gabrielle
I love those lyrics .
They always 'get' me.
They remind me that every single day of my life, the clock's ticking and the time
left to do experience all that I want to be, do and have is getting less.
They remind me that time passes by regardless of how I spend it, so I better spend it well if I want to get to where I say I want to go.
You too.
That's why I really want you to get on board with the MAGIC Hundred program now before the price goes up in, wow - 2 hours!
The program will keep you on track and focused on speding every day of the next 100 days moving toward your goals faster and easier than ever.
But at midnight it goes up in price to $97 to reflect all the recent changes to the program.
I don't want you to pay more than you have to. I really don't. You could use that money toward another goal so don't delay ok?
Get on over to and
grab your copy before midnight when it turns into a pumpkin - oops, sorry, that's a different story : )
The next 100 days will pass anyway, so why not pass them in hot pursuit of your biggestand best goals?
You know what to do : )
Truth, joy and love
P.S - As you're reading this I'm 30,000ft in the air flying to Thailand for the 19th
time in 4 years.
I'm running a high-level masterminding group in paradise... I love it when dreams come true : )
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