Monday 17 December 2007

NEW MAGIC Hundred Community

I've literally just started a MAGIC Hundred community page at where all of my readers can come on over and create a supportive environment in which to achieve our goals.

Looks like a great way to keep on track with the New Year coming... and it's free!

Pop on over to

Truth, joy and love


Be The First Out Of The Gate In January!

Hi There

You know, it's exactly 2 weeks to 2008!

It shouldn't matter that New Year is approaching, after all, in many respects, it's just another day but, well, for most of us it's an opportunity to start afresh on our quest toward achieving our goals and moving our lives onto the next level.

You're probably looking forward to a fresh start too, right?

But before you do, before you're ready to 'quit' 2007 and move on to a fresh year and a fresh set of goals I want you to do something for me.

Actually, I want you to do something FOR YOU!

Something that will propel your goals onward and upward in 2008 and make them so much more likely to be achieved.

Actually, I want you to do 2 things and I really, really hope you'll take the time to do them both.


Because if you do them, I can guarantee without a shadow of a doubt that the results you'll gain from pursuing your goals in 2008 and beyond will be far faster and far greater than you could possibly imagine.

What do I want you to do?

Well, like I said, it's 2 things.

First, I want you to create a VICTORY JOURNAL.

Don't know what a victory journal is?

It's very simple, it's a journal of all the small victories that you've achieved throughout 2007.

You could log the places you've been, the things you've learned, the projects you've completed, the things you've bought, the experiences you've had, in fact, you can log ANYTHING that has made you feel good throughout the year.

Anything that has made you feel like a winner.

Anything that felt like a victory, hence; victory journal!

Why is this important?

Well, because sometimes on our journey toward achieving our goals, we let the process of achievement become a bit of a chore, a task that must be completed, something to be gotten 'out of the way'.

Whe we do this, we barely register the goal as a success, we rarely allow ourselves to feel like winners and we rarely acknowledge the small victory we've just had.

And that's a shame because we turn a really powerful and life-changing event (accomplishing our goals actually changes our lives) into a chore on a to-do list and we miss the chance to savour the feeling of being a winner.

And so we enter the New Year thinking 'I hope I do better this year' and ignore the many great things that happened for us in the last one.


Create that Victory Journal!

Write down a list of all the really great accomplishments of 2007.

In fact, write a list of ANY accomplishments of 2007!

I promise you, once you create a victory journal of your own and actually see what you've accomplished, you'll be so much more motivated to move toward your new goals in 2008.

Feel free to post 'em here on this blog or set up a blog of your own.

Of course, you could also just use good old pen and paper too : )

But write the list ok?

I said there were two things...

Seconds, with the victories fresh in your mind, I want you to start your goals list for 2008 TODAY!

Seriously, dare to be different and plan your 2008 goals well in advance of the New Year.

Better still, start a new MAGIC Hundred as of Jan 1st but have it ready-written so that you can come 'out of the gate' in the best way possible when the bells ring in 2008.

Make your goals specific, make them exciting, make them detailed and then set about making them real!

Two simple steps, but I guarantee you, if you employ them both, you'll be stunned at how many goals you achieve within the first 100 days of 2008.

Truth, joy and love


P.S - The MAGIC Hundred Coaching Program starts January!

Action By Action

Yesterday I told you about the quote from Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

I've got to tell you, he really was a smart man.

He also said "You have to assemble your life action by action. And be satisfied if each one achieves its goal, as far as it can. No one can keep that from happening.- But there are external obstacles...... but if you accept the obstacle and work with what you're given, an alternative will present itself - another piece of what you're trying to assemble.Action by action"

Isn't that what the MAGIC Hundred is about?

Assembling your life action by action?

And sure, you've hit some obstacles and things have gotten in your way but you carried on right?

You kept working at the goal and new alternatives have been shown to you haven't they?

Sure, they're not ALL what you hoped for but think; how much further along the journey are you now compared when you started?

And it all happened action by action!

Truth, joy and love


P.S - What actions are you going to take today? (Hint: Try 'Power questions')Truth, joy and love

Sunday 16 December 2007

The one limit you SHOULD pay attention to

I was just reading through my 'Meditations' by the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius looking for some words of wisdom to share with you and to inspire you toward taking action toward your goals.

As I was reading through I read a lot of great messages, a lot of powerful and inspiring quotations that, at any other time, would create a ripple of emotion, a feeling in my gut that 'this is IT', this is the right message to share today... but today they just didn't feel 'right'.

It's not just that they didn't sound nice or the words were meaningless.

They were the very same words I've read a hundred times and recieved great insight and wisdom from, but today I 'just knew' that the words were the wrong ones...

Just as I was about to give up and look to somewhere else for the inspiration for todays message a passage caught my eye.

It said "Remember how long you've been putting this off, how many extensions the gods gave you, and you didn't use them.

At some point you have to recognise what world it is that you belong to; what power rules it and from what source you spring; that there is a limit to the time assigned you, and if you don't use it to free yourself it will be gone and never return"


Really makes you think doesn't it?

How long have we, all of us, been putting things off?

How many chances and 'go arounds' have we had that we didn't take?

How many times has our true path been shown to us, only for us to turn away and say 'not yet' or 'I'm not ready' or 'there's still time'?

Imagine if from this day forward we took all of the opportunities that came up.

Imagine if, instead of 'not yet' we said 'Now!'

Imagine if, instead of 'I'm not ready' you said 'When can I start?'

Imagine if, instead of 'There's still time' you said 'There's no time like the present'


Do you think that the subtle changes in these three sentances would change your life very much?

Try it today, put it into practice with you POWER questions and see what difference it makes.

Start now! : )

Truth, joy and love


Thursday 13 December 2007

You NEED This Story Today!

A young boy sat in the living room with his father occasionally trying to get his Dad's notice for a game he was playing, a drawing he'd done at school or to tell some tale or other about the adventures he'd had at play that day.

This evening, like most in that house, the father simply said 'not now son, I'm busy. Let me read the paper in peace. I'll play with you when I'm done'.

The boy, like most evening, waited patiently and yet... nothing.

Finally, the boy said 'Daddy, can I ask you a question?' to which the father said 'oh, alright, if it'll get me five minutes of peace!'

"How much do you earn an hour?"

The father was outraged.

"What kind of question is that? It's none of your business!... why do you want to know?"

The boy looked sheepish but said "oh, nothing. It's ok" and turned back to his toys.

The father sat incredulous in the chair but finally said "Ok, if you must know, I earn £20 an hour and I work very hard for it"

With a half smile the boy said "Thankyou daddy, I'm glad you told me" and rushed off to his room leaving the puzzled father alone with the paper.

About a minute later the boy came back in and said "Daddy... can I borrow £10?"

"What?? You ask me how much I earn and then ask to borrow money? Go to your room for your cheek!" and he sent the boy off to bed.

The father sat there feeling first angry, then annoyed and finally outright puzzled about what the boy had asked.

"What is he up to?" he thought.

After a little while, he went in to the bedroom where the boy lay sleeping and watched his little chest rise and fall with each breath.

As he leaned over to kiss the boy goodnight, the little fellow opened his eyes and said "Sorry daddy, I didn't mean to make you angry"

"That's ok" the father replied and, feeling bad for snappping at him earlier reached into his pocket and handed the boy the £10 he'd asked for.

The boy's face lit up and he cried "Thankyou, thankyou".

'Obviously this is important thought the father', "What are you going to buy?" he asked?

With that, the little boy reached under his pillow and pulled out 2 crumpled £5 notes that he'd obviously been hoarding for something special.

"Well Daddy, now I have £20... I was kind of wondering..." he stammered, now shy "... can I buy an hour of your time just for the two of us?


Why this story and why today?

That's what you're wondering right?

Well, 2 reasons.

First, because time is the most precious commodity we have and yet we all have a tendency to fritter it away wastefully on those unimportant trivialities that seem to find their way into our lives yet at the same time, hoard it in the most miserly fashion from those who we claim to love.

I wanted to remind you of that today so that you can remember what you're doing this whole thing for (by whole thing I mean this program, your business, your career)... it's to have more fun, enjoy life and spend it with those you love.

So give them a call today.

Tell them that you love them and show it by doing something special.

Second, I wanted to illustrate that just because someone is asking for something from you, it doesn't always mean that your act of giving will weaken you.

Very often the simple act of freely giving what you CAN afford to give (no matter how small) is enough to set in motion a chain of events that you can never have predicted.

Try it today.

You can start by giving away the story above.

Send it on to as many people as you can and see what kind of a ripple you can create. (Then send me an email telling me what happened)

Truth, love and joy


Thursday 6 December 2007

Magic Hundred Coaching Program 2008

A few days ago I sent my readers some information about the 2008 MAGIC Hundred Coaching Program and just wanted to check that you got it and that, well, you understood what it was about.

I say this because, along with receiving a bunch of applications for the program, I received a huge barrage of questions or comments about it that made it clear that many people just didn't know what the program was about or how it would work and, importantly, what would be the end-result of attending it.


My fault entirely and I apologise.

You see, I've always believed that that the main responsibility in communication lies with the speaker and not the listener and clearly, I didn't communicate the program well enough, or to enough people judging by the questions many were asking.

Especially the MAIN one I was asked by now fewer than 1800 people...

"How is this any different to anything else that's out there?"

A good question, and one I should have answered much better than I did.

Well, let me try and answer it now...

Perhaps I can start by telling you upfront what it's NOT about.

It's NOT one of those teleconference thingy's where a bunch of people get together to listen to someone read from a success book.

I've been part of several of these and, whilst they're interesting and temporarily uplifting, they never seemed to do anything other than give me a 'quick fix' of belief followed by a large dose of doubt once the call was over.

Besides, I've always been a voracious reader anyway and don't need to spend thousands of dollars to have someone read to me online when I can do it myself for less than 20.

It's NOT one of those 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours' kind's of program where everyone airs their dirty laundry in public whilst the rest of the group listens, sypathises and then tries to make you feel better by telling you how much worse their lives have been.

I've done one of these too and felt that although some people seemed to benefit from it, that I just came off of the calls with a temporary 'emotion dump' but that nothing had changed and was unlikely to change either.

It's NOT one of those online 'Ra-Ra' sessions where everyone says how great their week's been, how great life's been and what a great week and life they've got ahead of them if they only go on thinking positive thoughts.

I know from firsthand experience that those these sessions can be great fun, highly motivating and genuinely leave you feeling better than before you joined the call, but that, all too often, the 'high' is temporary and that the 'positive thinking' doesn't take you any closer to your actual goal... you just feel ok about not getting there yet.

Now don't get me wrong.

I'm not knocking these types of programs (Well, maybe I am, but just a little), but it seems to me that there's only ever one reason to join a program like this, and that's to bring about the results you're looking for.

After all, no-one Google's 'Wanted, expensive coaching program where I sit on the phone every week, read a book and hope for the best' do they?

You know they don't. They're looking for the same thing that you and I are looking for... RESULTS!

And that's what the MAGIC Hundred coaching program is about. In fact, it's the ONLY thing it's about!

During the six months of coaching, I'll be guiding you through a step-by-step, action-required, results-guaranteed coaching program where, with me as your coach you'll be trained, encouraged, supported and yes, even pushed, pulled and dragged kicking and screaming if needs be, toward your goals.

In fact, I will do anything and everything it takes to see you cross the finish line with your goals and dreams intact.

That's my job as a coach. In fact, that's the job of ANY coach... to help their team win.

But it won't be easy, there will be a LOT of work, not just reading and thinking about your goals.

There will be specific 'homework' for you to complete and specific action-steps for you to take and a lot of them will stretch you in ways that'll make you uncomfortable at first, and I'll insist that you go ahead and do 'em anyway.

But I tell you this, it whilst it'll be tough at times, it will NEVER be as difficult as you think is right now. It'll never be impossible or outside of your grasp entirely. It'll never be something you can lose at if you really don't want to.

But here's the rub.

You've got to WANT to win.

Sounds obvious but so many people really don't want to win. They want to get by. They want to keep what they've got. They want to avoid risk entirely.

So, is the MAGIC Hundred Coaching program right for you?

I don't know, I really don't. That's a decision that only you can make and I'm certainly not trying to 'sell' the program to anyone.

You have to WANT to do it otherwise you'll become a budren to me, the other members of your team and, ultimately, yourself.

However, if your interest has been picqued by this message then pop on over to and find out a bit more about the program.

In any event, I hope this message has cleared up any questions you may have had about the program and I wish you every success and happiness.


P.S - Both As A Man Thinketh and The new MAGIC Hundred are getting their finishing touches. I'll be sending them out to you real soon with my compliments.

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Are You A MAGIC Hundred Joyist?

This is going to seem a strange way to start a post on achieving your goals
but I need to ask you something....

Do you know what a 'terrorist' is?

I'm sure you know!

It's someone who trys to gain their objectives through the use of terror right?

It's a sad thing but in this day and age it seems that everyone, even small
children, seem to know about terrorists and terrorism and, though we loathe it,
we have come to accept it as a part of modern life. After all, it's in every
newspaper, magazine and TV News report these days isn't it?

Yet, what of Joyism?

You know, the act of gaining your objectives through the use of joy?

I know, I know, there isn't even such a word in the dictionary as Joyist but,
you know what?

There SHOULD be!

And I have a theory that the only reason that there isn't is because there
aren't enough people using joyism to warrant the space is the dictionary.

So... (you see where I'm going with this right?)...

I need your help!

I really want to get Joyism into the dictionary.

All day today I want you to help me draw Joyism to the attention of the
'dictionary guys' by engaging in random acts of joy for the next 24 hours.

...Help someone...
...Hug someone...
...Say 'I love you'...
...Give someone... something!...
...Be a teacher...
...Be a friend... a lot!...
...Send flowers...
...Send a card...
...Send chocolates...

Seriously, spend your entire day 'Joyerising' your family, your friends,
your workplace and your neighbourhood, then send me an email to tell me of the

Go for it my friend! : )

Truth, joy and love


P.S - Still here? You've got a choice... drop and gimme 20 or accept this
mission right now! : )

Monday 15 October 2007

Is FEAR Holding You Back?

Are you happy with your life?

No, I mean REALLY happy.

Are you living the lifestyle you want to live?

Are you doing the things you want to do?

Do you have someone to love and who loves you back equally?

Do you feel that your life is taking you to the places where you want to go?

Are you inspired, motivated and looking forward to life?

Sadly, if you’re like most people, the answer to these questions will be ‘No’, with a very rare few of you able to answer ‘yes’ across the board.

One question.

What are you doing about it?

For most people the honest truth is that day-in, day-out they actually do very little to improve the quality of their lives in any real way.

Sure, they may whine, moan and complain about how unfair it all is but when it all boils down you’ll find that very little ever gets done to change things for the better.

Why not?

Why is it that the very things that could make us happy beyond our wildest dreams are rarely, if ever, attempted?

What holds us back?

In a word; FEAR.

Most of us never realise, or wouldn’t admit it if we did, that the ultimate barrier to the realisation of our goals is fear.

Now, I’m not talking about abject terror here, we’re rarely that scared of our barriers, but simple, low-level, background negativity that reduces our confidence, lowers our self esteem and persuades us that we’re not up to the task, that we’re not good enough. In other words, fear can be described as:

Forever Expecting Awful Results

The result of having fear ever present in our lives is that we simply stop trying.

We give in and settle for less than we’re capable of so that we can avoid the pain of confronting our fears, yet in the long run, living below our potential causes us pain anyhow.

We become increasingly frustrated at our lack of progress in the important areas of our lives and fall into a vicious cycle of wanting more and yet being too afraid to try.

This situation reflects the lives of countless millions of people around the world who go through lives of quiet desperation thinking ‘is this all there is?’ and yet the answers to all of their dreams and desires are in front of them all the time.

They only have to look in the right way.

One way to determine how to make your life the work of art you desire is to model people who are already successful in their own lives.

These people normally exhibit very similar qualities and attributes that if emulated create a blueprint that those of us willing to put forth a little effort can use to create similar results for ourselves.

Extensive study of success literature written in the last century has revealed that every person who has made a success of one or more areas of their lives has done so by following certain laws or rules that those who are less successful have not.

These are:

Rule 1: No-one can do it but you.

Reality check.

There are no knights in shining armour, no winning lottery tickets, no inheritance money and no ‘unknown benefactors’ who are going to suddenly appear and make your life perfect.

As much as we all like to believe in fantasies and miracle cures, the real truth is that these occurrences are so few and far between that they will affect less than 1 % of us during our lifetimes. Yet how many people do you know who are living for the day ‘when I win the lottery’?

The reality is that you could die waiting for the ‘happy ever after’ if you rely on chance or blind luck. The sooner you realise that it is you and only you who can make your life better the sooner you’ll start to see success.

Rule 2: Stop making excuses.

We all have our own personal lists of ‘if onlys’ and ‘buts’ don’t we? You know the sort of things I’m talking about ‘If only I had more money I’d have a better life but I don’t so I’ll have to make do’ or ‘I’d love to be/do/have but...’

For most of us that are living beneath our potential it becomes crucially important that we recognise these words for what they are … Excuses.

Excuses are the ultimate in self-sabotaging behaviour and as long as you use them you’ll be sure to fail in absolutely any endeavour that you are attempting.

In fact, excuses are so powerful in holding you back that I suggest removing the words ‘if only’ and ‘but’ from your vocabulary permanently. Seriously, try it for 21 days. Don’t allow yourself the luxury of justification, rationalisation or any other form of passing on your own responsibility to others. Whenever you catch yourself doing so, reset the clock and start over. Your goal is to achieve 21 days of excuse free living.

You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll get done in this time!

Rule 3: Your beliefs become your reality.

The old saying ‘if you can conceive it you can achieve’ it is only partly correct.

Only with belief can something become a reality.

If you believe you can achieve something then you’re right.

If you believe that you can’t then you’re also right.
It’s that simple.

You see, beliefs are kind of like a software programme that’s continuously running in the background in the subconscious part of our minds where it receives its commands from our conscious mind.

Whether we believe that we’re beautiful or ugly, successful or unsuccessful happy or unhappy our subconscious minds will actively seek out evidence to support these beliefs by filtering in or out the relevant information to make them true…to us. This is why we must be ever vigilant about what we choose to believe about ourselves and the potential our lives hold for us.

Rule 4: Select your inner circle

There is a saying that in the next five years of your life the only things that will change will be the people you mix with and the books you read.

This is a way of saying that our lives are heavily influenced by those that we allow to penetrate our barriers or inner circle.

Indeed, our self image and hence our self esteem and beliefs have been formed as a direct result of every relationship that we’ve had since birth.

Every word of support, comfort and love serve to build a positive image of who we are and our value or self-worth whilst every criticism, put-down, snipe or negative comment will lower the value we place on ourselves.

For this reason it’s vitally important that we carefully select those that we allow into our inner circle.

If your friends, family or work colleagues are persistently negative about you specifically or life in general then do your best to limit your contact with them and associate instead with those who make you feel more positive about yourself and your abilities.

Who do you allow into your circle?

Rule 5: Get out of your comfort zone.

Successful people are those that are ever looking forward toward a better, brighter future. They choose goals that challenge and test them and stretch them to new limits in order that they can grow and prosper.

Compare this way of thinking to most people and you’ll see that the opposite is usually true. Instead of rising to meet a challenge most people take the path of least resistance by staying with what they’re comfortable with.

Unfortunately, success is rarely if ever found in your comfort zone. Simply put, if you always do what you’ve always done then you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.

If you’re happy and successful then great but if you’re not then your comfort zone becomes your prison, yet it’s one of your own making and you can leave at any time.

What have you always wanted to do but never gotten around to doing?

Rule 6: Take action

Though the first 5 rules are clearly important they are impotent and powerless unless the last ingredient is added…Action!

You see, it takes more than just inspiration and motivation to be happy and successful. It also takes perspiration and hard work. This may not be what you want to hear yet nonetheless it’s true just the same.

Those who have made successes of their lives have been willing to pay the price whether that be monetary cost, time, study or physical sacrifice. They have taken consistent actions over time that have led the results that they desired. Nothing more, nothing less.

What specific actions could you take on a regular basis that could contribute to YOUR success?

As simple as it may sound that’s really all there is to achieving the successes you desire. I know you’re thinking that this is too simplistic to be true yet look at those who you consider successful. Without exception they will be following these rules to greater and lesser degrees.

If they can achieve their dreams with this formula, why not you?

The dreams you keep within your heart can each one day come true,
The keys and locks that bind them are held only by you.

(Dax Moy The MAGIC Hundred)

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Are You As Dumb As An Elephant?

As many of my readers know, my family and I have travelled
extensively and regularly to Southeast Asia, and Thailand in
particular, to broaden our horizons whilst at the same time deepen
our family bond in beautiful and inspiring surroundings.

These times are always amongst my favourite times of the year, reminding me of what I work so hard for the rest of the time... to learn, explore and discover with my family.

On a recent trip, I took my family to the Chiang Mai
region in Northern Thailand, where mountains, jungle and amazing
rivers combine to create a fantastic backdrop of colours, sights and sounds.

A true feast for the senses!

While we were there, we took an elephant jungle trek tour that
allowed us an 'elephants' eye view of the jungle as we waded rivers, climbed hills and descended into deep valleys and gullies.

It was an amazing experience to see my children first fearful, then a little more relaxed and then outright excited and thrilled to be privileged enough to share this experience with the largest land mammal on the planet.

During one of our short stops to feed and reward the elephants with a handful of bananas and sugar cane, I noticed that the Mahout(elephant handler) simply popped a small rope on a stick into the ground and tied the elephant to it and walked off, leaving us on the elephant alone.

As I looked at the stick I wondered what foolishness must be going
through this little man's mind.

I mean, here we were, sitting on a 5 ton hunk of muscle and pure power and the guy had hitched it to a thin rope and a stick no thicker than my thumb!

I fully expected the elephant to (in elephant-speak) laugh at this puny little thing, pull it out of the ground and walk off with my son Connor and I into the jungle never to be seen again.

But that didn't happen.

The elephant didn't walk off.

It didn't even TRY to pull the stick from the ground.

It stayed exactly where it was waiting to be 'released' from its bondage.

When I got back to the camp, I asked the mahout about this and he
explained a concept that had totally blown me away at the time, and
still does to this day.

He told me "We train the elephants when they are very young by using thicker ropes and heavy beams or tree trunks. When the young elephant pulls, it is pulling against an immovable object and so soon tires and gives up.

Eventually, over a short time (and several smaller trees and sticks), the elephant stops pulling altogether, believing that the attempt is futile and will always end in failure.

It merely gives up."

As a performance coach I couldn't help thinking of many clients I'd
worked with who were doing exactly the same thing in their lives.

People who were trained when young about what was possible and what was not when they were too weak to pull against these ideas and release themselves to being successful.

Now they're all grown up, they're like the elephant, unwilling to try because they're so sure it'll end in failure that they don't even bother.

It made me think about about all the times I'd quit in the past and all of the people who write in to tell me of their own decision to do the same.

Everyone's got goals, dreams and aspirations that they've have left by the wayside because some well-meaning friend or loved one told them 'would only end in heartache and failure, so why bother?' right?

Dreams that someone said were 'silly' or 'childish' or 'unrealistic'.

But what if they're not any of these things?

What if, just like this big, beautiful yet dumb creature we've have been conditioned to believe something that is totally and utterly untrue?

What if, just like the elephant, we could literally rip up the chains that are holding us down and walk off into our own jungle of success and happiness...if only we had the courage to pull, and keep on pulling in order to bring about the things we want?

We can you know!

Many, many people who once led lives of total and utter desperation
now live lives that most of us would consider pure fantasy with houses, planes, boats, cars, money and above all, happiness that would never have been theirs if they hadn't 'pulled against the rope' that was telling them they couldn't possibly win.

You CAN, but will you?

Will you write that book that the small voice inside of you tells
you that no-one will ever read?

Will you take that trip to those places you always dreamed of but that your wallet tells you that you can't afford?

Will you lose that weight that your 'slow metabolism' insists won't

Will you buy that house, start that business, learn that language.....?

I could go on all day, but in the end, when all's said
and done, it's you and ONLY you who can pull the stick from the
ground and break free.

No-one is going to do it for you.

No-one CAN do it for you.

You, and only you have the power to do this.

Start TODAY!

Truth, joy and love


P.P.S - Please don't send me any hate mail. I am not elephantist, I
love 'em. 'Dumb' only refers to their inability to recognise the power they have but aren't using. : )

Saturday 6 October 2007

Is That REALLY Your Best?

I get a lot of mail from people who tell me that they're disappointed with the results they're getting out of life and that, despite trying everything to get ahead, they're still not living the life they dreamed of.

It always makes me smile a bit when I hear that.

Not because I find their struggles funny, of course, but rather, because what they describe as 'everything' rarely, if ever, is anywhere even near what they could have done to bring their goals to life.

I know, because I've often found myself saying that 'I've done my best' only to find that later, when I really thought about it, there were so many other things I could've done...

...but didn't.

Perhaps you're the same?

Maybe you've gotten into the habit of saying "I've done my best" or "I did everything I could do!" or "There's nothing more I could have done!" and, like so many people, sabotaged your own success in life through giving up on what you want too early because you thought that there was no way to bring your goals to life.

If that is you (and I know it is, because that's all of us at one time or another) then you need to stop and think about what doing your best really means.

It's not quitting when things start to get tough.

It's not giving up because there are obstacles in your way.

It's not doing 'just enough to get by'.

It's not even giving it everything you've got.

That's still not enough.

You see, 'everything you've got' isn't really everything. It's just what you think you're capable of giving.

But that's nowhere near your true limits.

You've always got more than you think you've got.

You've always got a 'reserve tank' with more capacity to do, be and have more.

The trouble is, when you quit too early, you never get to find out just what that capacity is. You believe that what you've been doing is as much as you can possibly do.

It's not.

Dig in.

Dig deep.

If you truly want something in your life then go deep into that 'reserve tank' and find out what your best is really capable of.

Once you do, everything changes.

So, are you REALLY trying your best?

Dax Moy

Thursday 4 October 2007

Are you refusing to sing?

When cellphone salesman Paul Potts from the UK first walked on stage for his audition on 'Britain's Got Talent' (kind of like American Idol, for my U.S readers)and announced that he was going to sing opera, you could almost hear the audience snigger and the rolling of eyeballs amongst the judges was clear to all.

For whatever reason, whether because the subject was opera, or Paul didn't look like a musical superstar or because people had an idea about what was or wasn't possible from someone 'like Paul', you sensed that it was a foregone conclusion that his time in the limelight was going to be short-lived indeed.

Yet, just seconds later, Paul Potts opened his mouth, began to sing and let forth the most beautiful, harmonius notes you could imagine, leaving both audience and judges stunned and crying with the beauty of what he created.

Now, several months later, Paul is being compared with the late, great, Pavarotti and has a successful album, money, TV appearances and a completely new life that he loves.

But it could have been so different.

He could have stayed at the cellphone store.

He could have torn up the application for the show instead of sending it in.

He could have listened to those around him who told him that he'd never get on the show.

He could have refused to walk onto that stage.

He could have looked at the sniggering faces and the rolling eyes and thought 'Not today...'

He could have refused to sing.

But he didn't.

And because he didn't, because he stepped up and sang.... everything is different.

Makes you think doesn't it?

Makes you wonder 'If only I'd stood up an sang when I had the chance...'

The thing is, it's not too late.

You can start right now by standing up and 'singing' your goals to life.

Let Paul Potts show you how...

Dax Moy

Tuesday 2 October 2007

The conversation

I just got off the phone with a student on my mentoring program who told me he was having difficulty staying motivated at the moment.

It seems to him that many of the goals he's set himself over the last year have lost their sparkle and just don't really 'do it' for him anymore.

Obviously, goals and goal setting are my 'thing' so I was genuinely interested to find out how this intelligent young man could go from super-motivated to the complete other extreme in so short a space of time.

I thought we'd start with the goals themselves, just in case they were the problem.

"Can you read me a handful of goals off of your goals list?" I asked.

"Umm...not just now" He replied.

"Why not?" I enquired, puzzled at the change I'd heard in his voice at the end of the line.

He answered like a schoolboy who'd forgotten his homework.

"I don't have it with me"

"Well that explains a fair amount of your lack of focus" I said, "What about your POWER Questions sheet? Can you read me your three morning tasks please?"

Silence, then "Umm... no, I don't have those either"

He sounded even more like the schoolboy now.

"I understand what's going on here my friend" I said. "You've not been looking at your list daily have you?"


"And you rarely, if ever, perform the morning and evening POWER Questions right?"

"I get really busy and run out of time" He snapped defensively.

"I understand, but you need to understand something too.

It's the very act of the reading and re-reading of your goals that creates their reality. Read them just once and they've no power at all. Read them 20, 30, 40 times a week and you've got the most amazing system (The Reticular Activating System) working in your favor"

"That's the problem, I'm not sure if I believe in that" he replied.

"You don't HAVE to believe, simply suspend disbelief long enough to find out what happens when your goals live at the top of your consciousness for long enough.

Write your goals and carry them with you at all times.

Read them as many times a day as you can.

Talk about them with friends and loved ones.

Complete your POWER questions everyday.

Simply stay focused on what you want and what you want will start to appear in your life"


What Can You REALLY Achieve With The MAGIC Hundred?

When I first heard about John Goddard's Life List I knew that the key to having an extraordinary life was within my grasp.

It was the simple act of deciding in advance what you wanted, writing it down and taking small steps every single day in the direction of your dreams.

This is what I did and my life has changed amazingly ever since.

That said, by comparison to John Goddard, my own MAGIC Hundred journey is barely beginning.

Check this out!

By the way, notice that when Goddard talks about setting goals, he talks of commitment. He says 'you don't just write it down and let it lie there... you DO it!'

If there ever was a true 'secret' to having your goals come true, that's it don't you think?

Think of the possibilities!

Have you ever stopped to think of the unlimited possibilities that lie before
you at this moment?

I mean REALLY stopped and thought about how many opportunities are awaiting you
right now, if you'd only take some action and reach for them?

I think that if you really thought about it for even a minute, you'd stun
yourself with the sheer scope of possibility that awaits you.

But the trouble is, that's not how most of us think is it?

Most of us focus, not on the possibilities but on the roadblocks and, in doing
so, commit ourselves to to the very mediocrity that we're trying to escape from
in the first place.

There's always a reason why our idea won't work.

There's always a 'yeah but...'

There's always a 'one day...'

But what if you made TODAY a day of absolute possibility?

What if you committed to just 'playing' with the ideas that have been bouncing
around in that head of yours?

What if?...

Go take a look at and see what can happen when you
open up to this way of thinking.

Truth, Joy and Love
