The book that started the whole chain reaction of all of my subsequent success was Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
I can't tell you more strongly how influential the book was at putting on the journey toward developing the mindset of an action-taker and subsequently for putting me on the path to reading, studying and taking action on the many goals that I've gone on to achieve over the last 8 years.
It's a truly amazing read.
Which is why I want to give a copy of the book as a gift. Well, the first chapter at least as this sets the stage for developing the mindset of a winner. The mindset you'll need to develop if YOU want to achieve the goals and dreams you've been thinking about for ages but, well, never gotten around to.

All you have to do is pop on over to my think and grow rich download page and grab it now. Don't worry, you won't have to opt in to any lists or anything, just grab the first chapter of this amazing success classic with my compliments by way of thanks for being reader of my blog and putting up with my mad ramblings : )
Just promise me one thing ok?
Promise me you'll actually READ IT!
You see, it's no accident that practically every seriously successful person you've ever heard of has a copy of this book on their bookshelf. But they didn't get successful from owning the book alone. The had to read it and then ACT upon what they read.
It's only the action that brings these timeless principles to life, but we'll be talking more about that in the days ahead, but for now just pop on over, grab the book, read it and pay attention.
Remember, this might be one of those critical moments in your life, just like it was for me. You never know, which is why you have to pay attention, right? : )
Truth, joy and love
Dax Moy
The Fastest Goal Achievement Program On The Planet!
P.S - Tomorrow I'll tell you about a few things Napoleon Hill forgot to mention in his masterpiece ; )
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